fucking wow have i had a good last few weeks.
*lights a cigarette and wonder where to start*
well. for maybe a year and a half?
ive liked this girl but didn't know who she was or anything.
the crush was started when me and melinda where drinking and talking about ideal opposite match as in a dream girl or dream guy.
mine was something along the lines of
:short hair, i like short hair cause it generally means there not super girly and would like play fight and drink etc its practical and can look fucking great like on my dreamgirl.
:glasses, they look sexy =P and are just plain cool i sometimes wish i had eye problems so i could rock a pair myself.
:little or no make up, genially pretty. make up can be nice but its not necessary.
:slightly shorter then me =P im kinda of jerk like this but i still want to be stronger taller and all that just cause its kind of the role of a male to be. im girly enough i need to stay as manly as i can.
:geeky, i love terrible habits and obsessions. i collect comics and you dont want to get me talking about games il never shut up.
:tasteful, i was gona put music taste but yeah also other things. some things i cant stand =P i dont want her listening / wearing them.
:creative, boring people suck.
and thats all i can think of so anyway.
the next day i was walking to Melinda's hung over and guess who i saw!? =O
a girl that matched my idea of dreamgirl =O
i didn't know what the fuck to do! after kinda slowing down walking and wondering if i should just go say i like you then sprint off i decided fuck it she wont like me im gona go have a coffee and talk about seeing her with melinda.
i did she found it really funny and i cant remember whose idea it was but i made her a mixtape a few days later and carried it in my bag for like a year in case i saw her.
i didn't see her for a while and i just gave up on the idea.
at the start of the year i guess it was before i broke my ankle i saw her at my college =O she started studying fashion at my college!!! i found out she was in my friends class a few months ago and asked him about her.
"theres a pretty girl in your class i like -H"
"um describe her that would help -V"
"short hair... pretty...... uh -H"
"is it me? cause thats very subtle -V"
"no sorry =P she had a hat on today -h"
"sam maybe? -V"
he told me her name and a week later i looked for her on facebook and added her =P and that was that.
i never had the courage to talk to her but one day i came out of shower and found a chat window open and it was her =O
in the hour i had before i went to hang out with tnealle and timmy we talked and we got on well.
i then went to tnealles and told her about it she was excited for me =D
we went and saw lucio and then after drank gin and i later had my radio show out of step (outofsteprdu.blogspot.com CHECK IT OUT)
a few days later we talked on facebook again and i got her number =D
we meet up for lunch the next thursday.
i went home and then after a few hours she asked if i wanted to come see her again so i biked to town as fast as i could =P
she kept me company until 12.30 and then i had to go to OOS i greeted jos with glee and told him about my day he was excited for me =P
see by this time all my friends had heard of dreamgirl.
it came up now and then and the tape i always carried in my bag was a source of jokes for them all =P
anyway so we did our show =P
jos made a small mention of her but i didn't want to creep her out if she was listening by calling her dreamgirl (totally her nick name now)
on saturday i was texting her all night drunk =P
i let some things slip and fortunately she didn't think i was a creepy stalker or freak so she didn't hold it against me in fact turns out she felt the same way.
on sunday i was with her before i took a survey for reid research because she lived near the place it was being held.
we hung out in a park and talked for like 50 mins then i had to go.
we walked up to the main road and she had to go right but i had to go left.
we hugged and i held on a bit then as we pulled out she grabbed my hand and kissed me =O
i was really fucking surprised but happy ^^ and after we said bye i couldn't stop smiling and blushing for the next few hours =P
i felt fucking stupid grinning while filling out a survey on smoking.
the next day i planed on asking her out.
before my radio show i saw david and josie.
on friday david saw me with sam (dreamgirl)
so after saying hi the firs thing he said was OMG WAS THAT DREAMGIRL I SAW YOU WITH!?!
and i was yes so he high fived me and gave a me a big hug =P
i did my show and had arranged to meet her after but she was busy moving her stuff out of her flat so i helped out with that. i got to meet her sister and her cousin who where awesome but im bad around new people so i didn't talk to them much.
after we moved everything we went to the dux and had some ginger tom and talked.
the whole time with her siblings had been odd since i couldn't really like hold her hand or kiss her since we wernt going out and also i was scared they like interrogate me to make sure im worthy of dreamgirl (which im probably not) but they where nice and when we had time alone we snuck in kisses =P
anyway we where all at the dux and her siblings where going to get nachos and asked if we wanted to come and dreamgirl was just like No im spending time with hollan! bye!
i was moved =P but it was a bit rude but in the end it was ok her siblings understood and said goodbye ^^
we walked down to the gardens and while in the arts centre i asked her out =P i had a plan that was romantic but in the end it was more like being a 13 old asking a girl out =P
and her first response was what are you 13? but after that she said yes ^^
my plan was awesome IMO it involved giving her the old mixtape and playing the song i want you by bob dylan (she likes bob dylan lots)
but whatever she likes me and where going out =P thats the main thing and im super fucking happy/excited =P
dreamgirl!!! wow.
more importantly
post-paranoia.blogspot.comit has the Women Cd and some rad jap noise rock.
well worth downloading if you like noise and low-fi